Conception and webdesign for the publishing house "hélium". Based on the graphic design by Philippe Bretelle.
Every two years the Webdesign International Festival (WIF) organise a meeting for worldwide web designers. The "design challenge" is a competition consisting in creating a website in 24 hours. This year we received the 1st prize by answering a theme dear to our heart : the school of the future. With Anouck Boisrobert, we proposed an intercultural platform for children worldwide to share their drawings. Children wonders about the lifestyles of other schools. The conventional lecture is build on children's curiosity and on the different cultures worldwide.
For the short-listing, the theme was : interactive design and sustainable development. With Anouck Boisrobert, we imagined an off the wall concept : GreenGeek.
Conception and webdesign of a puppets company website "Les chaussettes en pâte à modeler". This website was programmed with the help of Wordpress and Nicolas Laurio.
As part of a residence INSITU (2010-2011) in college Leon-Jouhaux, Livry-Gargan, the anthropologist Nicolas Césard, the schoolchildren and their teachers, undertook an investigation on the relation between humans and insects in beekeeping. The purpose of this site is to show those relationships through meetings with beekeepers. The students question beekeepers about their knowledge and practices, to lay the contours, and finally to ask a fundamental question : what is a good beekeeper ?
For the second time, I take part to the webdesign international festival. The theme was : I'm thinking of you : communicate your presence to a loved one, in the context of mobility. with Anouck Boisrobert, we won the 1st prize by proposing an original object, two tactile sheets of paper for each of the friends. The main idea of this project is the use of each side of the paper and his transparent property.
For the short-listing, The theme was : Through a sensitive, original and poetic interface, propose an interactive application allowing to share one’s memories. We answered with a cartography of feelings on which each users can deposit their own souvenir.
Amaterra is a children book publisher. Here is the website I made to show their online catalogue.
Website to prevent young children from hearing problems. Three interactive activities to learn how to protect our ears. Made with Oriane Dufort et Laurence Bentz.
★ Official partner of the French audition day 2010.
Graphic design, poster and leaflet created for the communication of the National Council of the French music schools CFMI.
Website designed like a This portal explaining the formation through testimonies of former students and showing the differents schools.
Website of Anouck Boisrobert with whom I work since 2008. Graphic design and illustration for children and adults.
"Rodéo d'âme" is an association which promote art. This website shows their projects, current and future.
This is the first version of the "Rodéo d'âme" website. I keep this project in my portfolio because it's one of my first website. Thanks to Adobe Flash, I created a light and interactive website with a lots of movements and hidden animations.
I recieve the prize of hope during the Web International Festival 2008 in Limoges. The theme was 'the communication by mail in 2020' and the website had to be created in 24 hours. I invented a paper device which allow to take pictures of handwritten message. This way, people will have to use their imagination to communicate with drawings, photos or cut-out papers.
The website I created for the short-listings of the Web International Festival. The theme was 'Water is life'. I decided to tell the story of the creation of The Earth and the apparition of Life.
Website of the artist Evelyne Hanrion Noroy. This online gallery is inspired by the work of the painter and the thematic of water.
Blizz'art is an art gallery in Strasbourg. This is one of my first website. Made with Adobe Flash.
[This website is not online anymore, it is temporary hosted on my own website.]
Website created for an artistic manifestation called 'Corps multiple'. This event gathered different artists around the same thematic, on 24th of june 2006 in Strasbourg. This website is an interactive exploration of their creations.
site : http://helium-editions.fr/
site : http://ludocube.fr/web/wif2012Curioos
site : http://ludocube.fr/web/wif2012Curioos
site : http://ludocube.fr/web/wif2012Curioos
site : http://ludocube.fr/web/wif2012Curioos
site : http://ludocube.fr/web/wif2012Curioos
site : http://ludocube.fr/web/wif2012GreenGeek
site : http://chpam.fr
site : http://www.ludocube.fr/abeille/
site : http://www.ludocube.fr/abeille/
site : http://ludocube.fr/web/wif2010BestFriendsPapers
site : http://ludocube.fr/web/wif2010MementoMap
site : http://ludocube.fr/web/wif2010MementoMap
site : http://www.amaterra.fr/
site : http://www.lucasstoppele.com/
site : http://www.jaimemesoreilles.fr
site : http://www.jaimemesoreilles.fr
site : http://cfmi.info/
site : http://anouckboisrobert.fr
site : http://rodeodame.fr
site : http://rodeodame.fr/v1
site : http://ludocube.fr/web/wif2008VisioBapi
site : http://ludocube.fr/web/wif2008Eveaulution
site : http://www.hanrionnoroy.fr
site : http://ludocube.fr/web/blizzart
site : http://corpsmultiple.free.fr